Wednesday, June 24, 2009

drunken log cabin

My latest project. Inspired by a couple of different quilting bloggers.
I liked the idea of this quilt over at Crazy Mom Quilts. But I was using mostly a 'cool' color scheme. I also liked this quilt at Oh Fransson. It will end up being a sort of drunken log cabin styled quilt with a fussy cut center and scrappy (mostly) strips.

2 of the finished squares. 18 1/2 in blocks. there will be a total of twenty when all finished.

The scraps came from a variety of places, since I'm still pretty new to quilting I don't have a very large 'stash' (yet). I got a nice bag of smaller bits and a bigger bag of scraps on Etsy.
I also purchased several scrap bags of Robert Kaufman prints, and in batiks, too.
I broke down and bought a yard of Amy Butler's Daisy chain (there was a piece in the first bag of scraps, didn't know who it was, had to search around until i figured it out!) and then I went ahead and got a set of fat quarters in Amy Butler's Midwest Modern series.
I like the colors and patterns very much.

Jean quilt

My husband hates parting with worn out jeans. I declared war on them and told him I could make them into a quilt for him. This was back before I had my new sewing machine and before I'd made any kind of quilt what-so-ever. Needless to say, he was pretty skeptical and assumed I was just going to throw them out once he forgot about them.
The jeans were cut up into 7 inch squares and I got a flannel sheet from the thrift shop and cut it up into 7 inch squares as well.

a detail.
The brown corduroy actually came from another friend. Her blog is here -->

It is now my husband's favorite quilt. Shocking, I know.

lavender travels quilt

My first attempt at making a quilt was to sew 3 inch squares into rows and columns. I sewed them on my old machine (circa 1980's Kenmore) but I didn't understand about thread tension and stitch length. Needless to say it was a mess.

I gradually took apart the columns with a seam ripper. it was VERY slow going, as the stitches were almost impossible to separate. Eventually, I had a pile of strips of purple fabric.

So, I got creative and cut strips of muslin to offset all the purple and just started making a simple layout. About half way through making them, i switched up the pattern - with varying results.

Size is approximately twin/generous lap quilt. The batting is about half inch thick, making it a bit more like a comforter. It is light weight and puffy, I love it.

A simple stitch in the ditch showed off the lines best.
The back and binding are a sheet that was given to me. Friends of mine gave away 90% of their possessions and left Seattle to hitchhike and busk their way across the country. Their blog is here -->
Also, it explains the 'traveling' name of the quilt.

Crazy Quilt

My first quilt. I figured something scrappy and not squared off would be the best place for me to start.
The quilt template for the center of each block came from a Debbie Mumm booklet. My squares are bigger than the ones in the original.

My bedroom as tidy and clean as it gets. The quilt is a queen size, which is a bit ambitious for a first quilt.

another detail.