Wednesday, June 24, 2009

drunken log cabin

My latest project. Inspired by a couple of different quilting bloggers.
I liked the idea of this quilt over at Crazy Mom Quilts. But I was using mostly a 'cool' color scheme. I also liked this quilt at Oh Fransson. It will end up being a sort of drunken log cabin styled quilt with a fussy cut center and scrappy (mostly) strips.

2 of the finished squares. 18 1/2 in blocks. there will be a total of twenty when all finished.

The scraps came from a variety of places, since I'm still pretty new to quilting I don't have a very large 'stash' (yet). I got a nice bag of smaller bits and a bigger bag of scraps on Etsy.
I also purchased several scrap bags of Robert Kaufman prints, and in batiks, too.
I broke down and bought a yard of Amy Butler's Daisy chain (there was a piece in the first bag of scraps, didn't know who it was, had to search around until i figured it out!) and then I went ahead and got a set of fat quarters in Amy Butler's Midwest Modern series.
I like the colors and patterns very much.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, these quilts are fantastic. Simply gorgeous. You did an awesome job.
